Grandview Peaks Rev. 2020/10/1


Following is a brief highlight of the main GVP Covenants and Restrictions.  Please the review the complete Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of Grandview Peaks POA for all restrictions and details.  The declaration can be found at

  1. DWELLING RESTRICTIONS: Any dwelling house built in this Development shall be new, stick-built construction, constructed on the premises and shall comply with all State, County and local building standards and codes, including specifically those standards for plumbing, septic, and electrical work. Single-wide mobile homes, double-wide mobile homes, and manufactured homes are specifically prohibited. All buildings, including dwelling houses and outbuildings, shall be constructed of natural wood, stone or brick materials, including but not limited to brick, stone, log, clapboard, shingle, or high-quality composite materials with the same appearance as natural wood materials. In no event shall aluminum, vinyl siding, or cinder block be used on any dwelling house or outbuilding, nor shall exposed cinder block foundations be permitted
    1. The living area of any dwelling house, exclusive of any porches, garages, carports and patios, shall be not less than 1200 square feet above ground level. All building plans and colors must be approved by the Board of Directors and/or the Architectural Review Committee of the Association prior to construction to ensure the building meets the requirements of the Restrictive Covenants.
    2. All fencing must be constructed of natural materials that complement the primary dwelling house. Chain link fencing is prohibited. 
    3. Swimming pools must be screened from the roadway. All screening must be made of natural construction materials including, but not limited to, natural wood, stone, or brick materials that complement the dwelling house, or may consist of bushes, hedges or other landscape material. 
    4. Propane tanks must be buried underground or screened from view form the roadway. All screening must be made of natural construction materials including, but not limited to, natural wood, stone, or brick materials that complement the dwelling house, or may consist of bushes, hedges or other landscape material. 
    5. All disturbed areas of each building site shall be seeded and/or landscaped within three (3) months from the date of completion of the exterior components of any building but, in any event, not later than fifteen (15) months from the date of issuance of the building permit. During construction, appropriate erosion control measures shall be made to avoid the transfer of any sediment or construction debris to any neighboring lots or common area. 
  2. BUILDING SETBACKS: No building shall be placed or erected nearer the front property line (measured from the center of the road) than forty-five (45) feet, not nearer the rear property line than twenty (20) feet,and not nearer any side yard than fifteen (15) feet. In the event of a discrepancy in the set-back requirements as set forth in a recorded plat of any phase of the Grandview Peaks Development and these Restrictions, the setbacks set forth herein shall control. 
    1. At any time during which the Declarant owns at least one lot in the Development, the Declarant may grant variances, in its sole discretion, as to the setback requirements set forth herein in cases justified by reasonable hardship. 
  3. TEMPORARY STRUCTURES: No structure of a temporary character, trailer, camper, basement, tent, shack, garage, ham, or other outbuilding shall be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permanently. Campers and recreational vehicles may be used for temporary camping purposes but in no event shall any camper or recreational vehicle be connected to any permanent or semi-permanent electrical connection, septic connection, or other utility service connection of any kind. No camper or recreational vehicle of any kind shall be permitted to remain upon any lot which is not completely screened. 
  4. RIGHTS OF WAY: All of the streets in the community are located on rights of way that are shown on the plat of the development. Most rights of way are listed at fifty (50) feet, which means 25 feet each way from the center-line of the street. Each property owner with property located on a street has granted an easement to the community for that right of way. The rights of way are used for ditches, power lines, phone lines, temporary emergency parking, and other uses. The rights of way should not be used to store construction materials, park vehicles for longer than one day, or to obstruct the free flow of traffic through the community. 
  5. OPEN BURNING: The open burning of any vegetation, trash, or other debris is strictly prohibited and shall not be permitted at any time, nor for any reason including but not limited to the burning of construction materials and discarded trees and other vegetation which are the result of clearing activities upon any lot.
  6. FINES/SUSPENSIONS: According to Chapter 47F of the North Carolina Planned Community Act Section 3-102. Powers of owners’ association; (12) After notice and an opportunity to be heard, impose reasonable fines or suspend privileges or services provided by the association (except rights of access to lots) for reasonable periods for violations of the declaration, bylaws, and rules and regulations of the association. Section 3-107.1 The lot owner charged shall be given notice of the charge, opportunity to be heard and to present evidence, and notice of the decision. If it is decided that a fine should be imposed, a fine not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) may be imposed for the violation and without further hearing, for each day more than five days after the decision that the violation occurs. Such fines shall be assessments secured by liens under GS 47F-3-116.
  7. PERMITS: A permit box is required to be installed on the lot for the duration of the construction project. A copy of the permit showing the date the permit was issued and the contact information of the general contractor for the construction project.
  8. COMPLETION OF PROJECT: The construction of the exterior of all buildings, including dwelling houses and outbuildings, shall be completed within twelve (12) months from date of issuance of the building permit. For purposes of this provision, a building shall be deemed “completed” when all exterior components and finishes are installed including, but not limited to, siding, roofing, trim, gutters, porches, and paint/stain.
  9. TRASH & DUMPSTER: No lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for refuse or rubbish. Trash, garbage, or other waste shall not be kept except in sanitary containers. All incinerators or other equipment for the storage or disposal of such materials shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.
  10. INSPECTIONS:  Property Owner and Contractor understand that periodic inspections will be conducted by the Board of Directors, Architectural Review Board and/or the Covenants Committee to confirm compliance of these restrictions and of those found in the Covenants and Restrictions of GVP POA.   IF YOU DO NOT CONSENT TO INSPECTIONS, INSPECTIONS WILL BE DONE FROM THE ROADSIDE.  OBSTRUCTED VIEW MAY CAUSE THE COMMITTEE AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TO ISSUE FINES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE.

Owners printed name:
Owner's Signature:
Owners printed name: Owner's Signature: