Web-Based Application Development
Final Project
Create a series of no less than four and no more than six Web pages and post them to your server.
These pages will exercise your knowledge of basic HTML.
All pages should be built around a central theme and have a consistent look and feel.
The pages should show the efficive use of static web design.
The content of the opening page should identify you and demonstrate the theme of your project.
It may be used as a "main" page for the rest of your project if you like.
The content and format of these pages is completely up to you but should be designed to demonstrate your ability
to combine various Web elements into a coherent, pleasing, informative, and easy-to-use space.
Try to exercise all the elements listed below must in your final design.
I strongly suggest you have someone else review your site from different computer and browser.
The Web site should work properly in both the Internet Explorer and FireFox environments.
Elements of Web page construction that must be demonstrated include (and remember too much is as bad as
not enough):
- Fonts varying:
- Typeface, size, and color
- Alignments (left, middle, center)
- Horizontal ruler
- Breaks
- Paragraphs
- At least one ordered or unordered list
- At least one table with some meaningful data
- Multiple images - 3 or more (JPG, GIF, etc.)
- Appropriate navigation elements
- One page with significant and meaningful text (images and other elements may be included as well)
- At least one form with working elements including at least:
- One text box for output
- One text box for input
- One set of at least three related check boxes
- One set of at least three related radio buttons
- One drop-down list with at least three elements
- JavaScript elements that include at least:
- One alert box*
- One prompt box or one confirm box*
- One conditional statement (if...) that controls the appearance of at least one element of a page*
- One loop construct (for, while...)*
- One mathematical computation*
- One use of the Date Object*
- At least one "onmouseover" event
(Hint: if you use onmouseover to change an image have it mouse over on the image, not some text)*
Another event may be substituted such as blur, focus, or onchange (but not onclick).
The substitute must be clearly documented to get credit (at least use comments to denote where and how it is used)
- At least one external link (to another site other than your Web pages)*
- At least one link goes to an id label in the middle of another one of your web pages*
- An e-mail link
- Your web pages must have a consistent look and feel.
- Use Style, Tables, or Frames to achieve the consistent look and feel across web pages as needed
You may include additional elements at your discretion.
Last Updated