Network Based Application Development



Assignment Details
Exercise 3 [task]
  • Install and test JDK, Tomcat, NetBeans and MySQL (Appendix A or B)
  • Use NetBeans and MySQL (Chapter 3)
  • Do exercises 3-1 through 3-3
    • These are not to be turned in but will show NetBeans is properly installed and working
    • Note: Palette is in Window-->IDE Tools-->Palette

These are required to be working to complete the assignment exercises.

Exercise 4 [code]
  • Exercise 4-1
  • Change/add <title> tag in the head to "Ex. 4-1 firstname lastname uniqueID" for each page
  • In Moodle put copies of the following after completing last step
  • :
    • index.html
    • survey.css
    • war file
  • Put a screenshot of index.html in Moodle.  The title must be readable with your data in it
  • Errata
    • Line 8: No survey.html, should be index.html
Exercise 5 [task/code]
  • Verify your account on works
  • Exercise 5-1, 5-2
  • Change the <title>s to the format for this class
  • Note what happens when you try 5-1 step 5
  • Post your war files to your tomcat server
  • In Moodle:
    • Upload your WAR files for each exercise
    • Upload copies of:
      • 5-1:
      • 5-2:
    • Upload a screenshot showing the results after the changes for 5-1 and 5-2
    • Document results of Step 5-1 step 5 (in comments box)
    • Put a working link to each exercise in the comments box of Moodle
Exercise 6 [/post]
  • Exercise 6-1
  • Exercise 6-2
  • cci-4166: deploy both exercises to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 6-1:, footer.jsp
    • 6-2: survey.jsp
    • Working links for each
    • Copies of war files

Don't forget to change the <title> for all pages!  This will be the last reminder.

Exercise 7 [post]
  • Exercise 7-1
    • For step 10: If you are adventurous use one of the <hn> tags instead of the <p> tag. 
      Have the text reflect that, e.g. User Email using the h2 tag:
  • Exercise 7-2
    • As is
  • Exercise 7-3
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy all exercises to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 7-1: index.jsp
    • 7-2: with registerUser changes
    • 7-3: cart.jsp
    • Working links for each
    • Copies of war files
Exercise 8 [post]
  • Exercise 8-1
    • Complete exercise then upload the requested items
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • index.jsp
    • web.xml
    • thanks.jsp
    • Working link
    • Copy of war file
Exercise 9 [post]
  • Exercise 9-1
    • As is
  • Exercise 9-2
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 9:1: index.jsp, register.jsp, view_cookies.jsp
    • 9:2: index.jsp
    • Working links to each
    • Copies of war files for each
Exercise 10 [post]
  • Exercise 10-1
    • As is
  • Exercise 10-2
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercises to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 10:1:
      • copies of index.jsp and thanks.jsp
      • copy of the code that has CurrentDateTag and CurrentTimeTag
      • copies of the code for the .java tag classes you changed in steps 12 and 14
    • 10-2:
      • copy of the code you created for the ProductsTag
      • copy of murach.tld with the new tag
      • copy of index.jsp
    • Working links for each exercise
    • Copies of the war files for each exercise
Exercise 11 [task]
  • Exercise 11-1
  • Exercise 11-2
  • Complete the exercises to make sure MySQL is installed properly and working.  This will need to be done for the next chapter's assignment.  No uploading, Moodle or points for this exercise.
Exercise 12 [post]
  • Exercise 12-1
    • As is
  • Exercise 12-2
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercises to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 12-1: context.xml, module containing ConnectionPool,
    • 12-2: modules containing UserDB and UsersServlet classes
    • Working links for each exercise
    • User IDs and passwords if different that defaults
    • Copies of the war files for each exercise
  • Misc:
    • Each student has own DB
      • murach-id
      • music-id
      • music_jpa-d
    • User ID same, PW 800 id
Exercise 13 [post]
  • Exercise 13-1
    • As is
  • Exercise 13-2
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 13-1: User class with changes
    • 13-2: persistance.xml. module that contains UserDB class and UserServlet class
    • Working links for each exercise
    • User IDs and passwords if different that defaults
    • Copies of the war files for each exercise
Exercise 14 [post]
  • Exercise 14-1
    • For this you will need an email account.  I advise using one of the yahoo or gmail accounts.  They are free and is is always handy to have a "junk" email address when you need to register an email address for questionable Web sites.
    • Send an email to my junk account: and cc: to Jenna
    • Include a subject line with "4166 test email"
    • Body can be any short tasteful message with your complete name
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 14-1: copy of EmailListServlet with changes
    • Working link for exercise
    • User IDs and passwords if different that defaults
    • Copies of the war files for each exercise

Hint: It will be easiest to use a Yahoo or gmail account.  Otherwise you will need to customize one of the MailUtilXXX classes for your provider service.

Exercise 15 [self test]
  • Exercise 15-1
    • Do the exercise, This will be self graded by doing the Ex 15 quiz. 
      • 10: Completed by self
      •  9: Complted with help
      •  8: Tried, did not succeed
      •  0: Did not try
Exercise 16 [post]
  • Exercise 16-1
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 16-1: copy of web.xml
    • User IDs and passwords if different that defaults
    • Copies of the war file

Ex 12 and 13 Redeux

  • Deploy the exercises on the cci-4166 server with initialization
Exercise 17 [post]
  • Exercise 17-1
    • Test with two different UIDS, use any value you want
    • Give them the exact same password, "password" would be a good test, but any identical pair will work
      • Note: the passwords for the two Usernames must be identical!
    • For both tests copy (as text) the Hash, Salt, Salted Hash generated
  • In Moodle in your comments box:
    • Text copy of each test, noting which is which.
    • Note the userid and password used for each
    • Comment on the results, e.g.. which entities were the same and which changed.
Exercise 18 [post]
  • Exercise 18-1
    • For Step 3 comment on how your browser reacts for the first three links.
    • For Step 7 commnet on how your browser acted when it got the files.
    • For Step 10, test all four downloads.  Comment on how each worked in your browser.
    In Moodle in your comments box:
    • Put your comments for the above steps.
Exercise 19 [post]
  • Exercise 19-1
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 19-1: copy of web.xml and the new and changed code
    • Copies of the war file
Exercise 20 [post]
  • Exercise 20-1
    • As is
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 20-1: copy of web.xml and the changed code
    • Copies of the war file
Exercise 21 [post]
  • Exercise 21-1
    • Step 5: Document how the error showed (screenshot)
    • Add birthYear per instructions
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise to your server
  • In Moodle copies of:
    • 21-1: copies of modified code
    • Copy of the war file
Exercise 22 [Task]
  • Do the Perspective, specifically install the Music Store website
Exercise 23 [task]
  • Exercise 23-1
    • Step 4: Document with a screenshot showing results
    • Step 13: a copy of the spreadsheet to Moodle
  • Exercise 23-2
    • Do exercise
  • Exercise 23-3
    • In Moodle enter your review in the text box
    • Implement one of your enhancements, deploy to server
  • cci-4166: deploy exercise 23-3 to your server
  • In Moodle
    •  23-1: document of steps 4 and copy of spreadsheet 13
    • 23-2: nothing
    • 23-3:
      • Your review of either user or admin user section
      • Note what your enhancement was in text box
      • Copies of code you needed to change
      • Copy of war file

Last updated