
In German radler means "cyclist". Lore has it that in the early 1900's a group of cyclists were to stop at a German beer garden. The owner found he did not have enough beer on hand and in depsparation mixed the beer 50-50 with lemonade. The mixture was a hit and the "radler" was born. It's simple and cooling, even when you're not cycling the Alps.

Tony's Favorite


Fill the jar 1/2 with the lemonade. Finish with the Mickey's. By adding the beer to the lemonade you reduce the amount of foaming.

I like the Mickeys for the taste and the fact it has a screw top to allow sealing the unused beer. Feel free to substitute your favorite and experiment.

Simply Lemonade is the best lemonade I have found for the Radler. I find the others are either too bitter or too sugary.